Guided Tours


Guided Tour of Pompeii Ruins

The ancient city of Pompeii in Campania is the most visited archaeological site in the world thanks to the well-preserved ruins of the city buried by the volcanic eruption that in 79 AD. brought to its tragical end. 

With an extension of almost 440,000 m², the city has countless buildings, which have remained almost intact with all the characteristics of that time. Due to the lack of written descriptions on site, untangling the maze of streets and buildings on your own is not easy at all. 

Booking a guided tour will not only give you the opportunity to know and fully delve into the history and tragedy of this exciting Roman city, but it will allow everybody to discover all of its most hidden treasures, making it a unique experience to remember forever.

Meeting point for guided tours is located at TEMPIO TRAVEL office, first floor of the Circumvesuviana station of Pompeii Scavi villa dei misteri, via Villa dei Misteri 1, Pompeii.

Guided Tour of Ercolano Ruins

Herculaneum, a UNESCO World Heritage Site together with Pompeii, is the only example in the world of an ancient city where entire wooden structures of the houses and furnishings of everyday use have remained intact, together with a unique collection of colored mosaics, wall paintings and marble coverings.

Take advantage of a tour led by a real archaeologist and official guide of the Campania region, explore the ruins and benefit from the experience and knowledge of your guide to explore it to the fullest and discover its history, its tragedy and all its most hidden treasures .